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#107 : Éducation sexuelle

Judith s'inquiète lorsqu'à un cours de dessin Jake dessine le tatouage de Cindy, une amie de Charlie, qui vient régulièrement se doucher et se promener toute nue chez lui après avoir fait du surf. Peu après, elle fait sa connaissance et se lie d'amitié avec elle, et c'est au tour d'Alan de se faire du souci. Il ne voit en effet pas d'un très bon oeil la relation qui est en train de se nouer entre les deux femmes qui sont, après tout, bien différentes à plusieurs points de vue...

Guest: Conchata Ferrell (Berta), Kristin Dattilo (Cindy).


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Titre VO
If They Do Go Either Way, They're Usually Fake

Titre VF
Éducation sexuelle

Plus de détails

Ecrit par: Lee Aronsohn, Mark Roberts (X)

Réalisé par: Andy Ackerman

Au moment du petit déjeuner chez Charlie Jake aperçoit une jeune femme, Cindy, qui ne porte qu'une culotte laissant apparaître son tatouage fessier. Lorsqu'à l'école un devoir consiste à dessiner une chose originale que l'on peut voir à la maison, Jake dessine le fessier tatoué de Cindy.

Alan reproche à Charlie d'exposer sa vie privée à la vue de Jake qui est encore un enfant. Cindy n'est pas la dernière conquête de Charlie mais une surfeuse qui lui emprunte régulièrement sa salle de bains après ses séances de surf. Mais Charlie aimerait beaucoup sortir avec elle.

Charlie, voyant que Jake apprécie la vue de jolies femmes, lui apprend à reconnaître les poitrines naturelles des poitrines artificielles.

Judith se rend chez Charlie pour lui demander d'éviter d'exposer ses conquêtes aux yeux de Jake. Charlie fait tellement bien semblant de l'écouter qu'elle se confie à lui.

Judith rencontre Cindy chez Charlie et toutes les deux discutent de leurs problèmes avec les hommes. Elles deviennent amies. Cindy enseigne le surf à Judith. Alan est très inquiet de cette nouvelle relation; il est persuadé que Judith et Cindy sortent ensemble. Il en parle à Charlie et lui demande d'empêcher ça. Charlie conseille à Alan de se montrer compréhensif vis à vis de Judith. Alan dit alors à Judith qu'il la soutient dans sa nouvelle relation homosexuelle avec Cindy. Judith est très énervée qu'il se soit imaginé que, si tôt après la fin de leur mariage qui a duré 12 ans, elle puisse entamer une nouvelle relation, avec qui que se soit. Elle en veut aussi à Charlie de ne pas être étranger à cette suggestion.

[Jake is eating his breakfast at the dinner table. A woman, Cindy, wearing just a t-shirt and with wet hair is sorting out some breakfast.]

Jake: I have my own room at Mom’s house too. My dad doesn’t. His stuff’s in the garage. Do you know how to play Vampire Hunter? Cos I just got it.

Cindy: No, sorry.

Jake: You got to chop off their heads. Otherwise they’ll keep coming at you.

Cindy: Do you know where your Uncle keeps the paper towels?

Jake: [points] I think there’s some up there.

[The woman opens a cupboard and stretches to the top shelf. Her t-shirt lifts up and reveals her backside in some skimpy underwear. She has a tattoo on one cheek.]

Jake: [eyes wide] Woah.

[Alan enters the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He spots the woman.]

Alan: Woah.

Cindy: Hi, you must be Alan. I’m Cindy.

Alan: Hi. Uh, hey, Jake, it’s time to get dressed.

Jake: [very Charlie-esque, holds up a hand] Wait a minute. [to Cindy] Can you get me a bowl from that top shelf?

Alan: Come on, let’s go.

[Alan ushers Jake out of the kitchen. Charlie comes down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.]

Jake: What happened to ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’?

Alan: Just go get dressed. [Jake runs to his room] Charlie, there is a half naked woman in our kitchen.

Charlie: [intrigued] Which half?

[They go back into the kitchen. Cindy has just put her shorts on and is sorting out her bags on the table.]

Charlie: Hey Cindy.

Cindy: Hey Charlie. How you doing?

Charlie: Not bad. How about yourself?

Cindy: Thanks again. [she kisses him on the cheek] I’ll see you soon.

Charlie: Anytime.

Cindy: [to Alan] Bye. [She exits.]

Alan: [frowning] “How you doing?” “Thanks again”? Charlie, casual sex is one thing but this is just lazy.

Charlie: What are you talking about? I didn’t have sex with her. She just surfs out on the Point, uses my shower and goes to work.

Alan: So, you’re not sleeping with her?

Charlie: Jeez, Alan, I don’t sleep with every buff surfer chick that uses my shower. What kind of guy do you think I am?

Alan: I think you’re the luckiest bastard to walk the face of the earth, but that’s not my point. I don’t want women flashing their butt tattoos at my son.

Charlie: Cindy has a tattoo?

Alan: Yes, a butterfly.

Charlie: Huh. Right cheek or left? No, wait, don’t tell me. I want to be surprised.

Alan: So, you’re not sleeping with her but you want to?

Charlie: Well, yea. What kind of guy do you think I am? [they go through to the next room]

Alan: Charlie, when I moved in here, I said that it was vital that we create a wholesome atmosphere for Jake. And you said “I understand”.

Charlie: Alan, there’s something you should know about me. When I say I understand, it doesn’t mean I agree. It doesn’t mean I understand. It doesn’t even mean I’m listening.

Alan: Then why do you say it?

Charlie: It seems to make people happy and that’s what I’m all about.

Alan: Well, that’s very altruistic, but I would prefer if you’d just be straight with me.

Charlie: Fine. [Charlie starts to go up the stairs.]
Alan: All I’m asking is that you keep in mind that we have an impressionable 10 year old boy living here.

Charlie: I understand.

Alan: Thank you. [Alan turns away, then realises.]


[Charlie is playing the piano. Cindy comes through from the shower, drying her hair with a towel.]

Cindy: That sounds nice.

Charlie: Thanks.

Cindy: So, where are Jake and Alan today?

Charlie: Uh, Jake’s at school and Alan’s at work. It’s just you and me.

Cindy: [picks up her bag] Well, tell them I said hi. Thanks again for the shower.

Charlie: You bet. You look really nice.

Cindy: Thank you. Bye.

Charlie: Yea, I got work to do.

[Rose is looking through the window from the deck.]

Rose: Oh Charlie, seeing you strike out like that just makes me love you more.

Charlie: [opens the door and lets her in] Rose, you’ve got to get a hobby.

Rose: Oh, I’ve got a hobby.

Charlie: I thought we agreed we were just friends.

Rose: We are. We’re friends who slept together once and then one friend never called the other friend but luckily, the other friend forgave him. [heads towards the kitchen]

Charlie: Where are you going?

Rose: To make my friend a grilled cheese sandwich.

Charlie: Rose, Rose, I don’t want a grilled cheese sandwich.

Rose: Would you prefer a quesadilla?

Charlie: That sounds nice. [The doorbell rings.] But then you have to leave. [He opens the door to Judith. She looks mad.] Hey Judith, Alan’s at work.

Judith: I know where Alan is. I came to talk to you.

Charlie: Me? But you don’t like me?

Judith: I don’t. [enters]

Charlie: [shuts the door] I like you.

Judith: Jake’s fourth grade class was given a simple assignment. Draw something interesting you see around the house. One child drew a record player, another drew a parrot. My son drew this.

[She pulls a piece of paper out of her bag. It has a drawing of Cindy’s behind on it, with the tattoo.]

Judith: A woman’s behind with a butterfly tattoo.

Charlie: [disappointed] On the right cheek. I’ll have to just act surprised.

Judith: I asked him where he saw this, he said “In Uncle Charlie’s kitchen.”

Charlie: Well, you gotta admit, it beats the hell out of a parrot.

Judith: Charlie, I am not in the mood.

[The phone rings.]

Charlie: Hold that thought.

Rose: [enters from the kitchen and picks up the phone.] I got it. Hello? [to Charlie] Are you in for your mother?

[Charlie looks indecisive. Talk to Judith or talk to his mother?]

Rose: Charlie’s in a meeting right now. But you can talk to me. Heck, I feel like we’re practically related. [She goes back into the kitchen, with the phone.]

Judith: Is that the girl in the picture?

Charlie: Rose? No, she doesn’t have a tattoo on her butt. [off Judith’s look] I’m guessing.

Judith: Look, I don’t care what you do in your private time but when my son is here, I expect you to clean up your act.

Charlie: I understand.

Judith: I don’t like coming over here and being the bad guy, but I have to protect my son.

Charlie: I understand.

Judith: It’s hard enough going through this transition all by myself. Alan, at least, has you. I have no one. Except my parents and they’re completely toxic.

Charlie: I understand.

Judith: Do you?

Charlie: I think I do.

Judith: Thank you. That means a lot to me. I mean, I’ve always been the good daughter or the good wife, and you know what? Outside of those relationships, I don’t know who I am. Am I gay? Am I straight? Who the hell knows? [starting to break down in tears] I’m scared about this Charlie, and I’m totally alone.

Charlie: [uncomfortable] I, well, you know what? I understand.

[He puts his hand on her shoulder, but just as she reaches for it he takes it away again.]

Judith: [crying] Thank you for listening.

Charlie: Oh, hey…

Judith: I’m so sorry to take up your time with all of this.

Charlie: Hey… I understand.

Judith: [goes to leave] Thank you Charlie.

Charlie: You’re welcome.

[Judith exits.]

Charlie: There’s five minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

[Rose enters from the kitchen, carrying a plate of food.]

Rose: Don’t fill up, your mom’s taking us out for lunch.


[Alan is in the kitchen. Charlie enters from lunch, he looks awful.]

Alan: Hey. Where have you been?

Charlie: I just had lunch with my mother and my stalker. They spent the afternoon eating off each other’s plates and discussing my fear of intimacy.

Alan: You do have that, you know. [Charlie glares] Well, anyway, look, can we talk about this picture Jake drew?

Charlie: What’s to talk about? He’s a boy. He saw a woman’s ass. He liked it. Thank your lucky stars it wasn’t the cable guy’s ass and move on.

[Jake enters carrying a magazine.]

Jake: Hey, Dad, where’s Cankun?

Alan: Cancun?

Jake: [points] No, it’s spelled Cankun.

Alan: It’s in Mexico, why?

Jake: We should go there for Christmas instead of Aunt Betty’s.

Alan: What are you reading?

Jake: Sports Illustrated. But it’s mostly ladies in bathing suits. [He turns to go]

Alan: Jake, Jake, come back here. [to Charlie] Are you happy?

Charlie: I have my moments but they’re becoming further apart.

Alan: Jake, sit down, sit.

Jake: Am I in trouble?

Alan: No, no. It’s perfectly natural for you to be interested in women’s bodies.

Jake: Great, I’ll be in my room.

Alan: Wait. Let’s, let’s talk a minute here. I don’t mind you looking at these pictures but it’s important that you know what they mean.

Charlie: Ooh, I’d like to know that too, Alan.

Alan: Okay, first of all, real women don’t look like this. These pictures have been retouched and airbrushed so that the women look like they’re perfect, but they’re really not.

Charlie: Uh, excuse me, but I met that one and she was perfect.

Alan: What I’m trying to explain to Jake is that this is not what regular women look like.

Jake: Then why don’t they use regular women?

Charlie: Because the only way regular women can sell magazines is door to door.

Alan: My point is that these women are three dimensional human beings. They’re not just sex objects.

Charlie: Which explains why this one’s on all fours in the surf.

Alan: [exasperated] Are you quite done?

Charlie: No, I think you’re being very unfair. These women worked very hard, ate very little and spent a lot of money to become sex objects. Those breasts alone cost ten grand.

Jake: You can buy these?

Alan: Thank you Charlie. [to Jake] Some women choose to, er, to make their breasts larger uh, with, uh, with what’s called surgical implants.

Jake: Why?

Alan: Uh, well, they think bigger is better.

Jake: I can see that.

Alan: [takes the magazine away from Jake] What really matters, Jake, is what’s inside a person. See, that’s the lesson here. Do you get what I’m saying?

Jake: I think so.

Alan: You’re sure? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I mean, do you have any questions?

Jake: Just one.

Alan: Fire away.

Jake: Can I have my magazine back?

[Alan throws the magazine back on the table, Jake grabs it and runs out of the room.]

Charlie: Congratulations, Alan. You’ve managed to take the fun out of boobs.

[Charlie sits down. The phone rings and Alan gets it.]

Alan: Hello? Oh, hi, hi Judith. Yea, I’m so glad you called. I just… what? [holds the phone to his shoulder. To Charlie] She wants to talk to you. Why does my wife want to talk to you?

Charlie: I don’t know. [takes the phone] Hey Judith, what’s up? Uh-huh. I understand.

Alan: What do you understand?

Charlie: [holds the phone away] Not a thing. [back on the phone] I understand.

Alan: [frantic] What’s she saying?

Charlie: Hang on Judith, that’s my other line. [holds the phone away] She’s upset because her parents want to take Jake to SeaWorld and she feels like this is crossing a boundary since they’ve been so unsupportive recently. And she’s not sure if her anger is misplaced.

Alan: Since when are you her new best friend?

Charlie: I don’t know, something’s gone horribly wrong. [back on the phone] Sorry, you were saying? I understand.

[He shrugs and mouths ‘I don’t understand’ to Alan.]


[Cindy and Charlie are sat on the sofa. They are drinking wine. Cindy is autographing the picture Jake drew of her.]

Cindy: You’re the coolest? Love Cindy. [gives the picture to Charlie] Are you sure your nephews gonna like this?

Charlie: Who says it’s for my nephew?

Cindy: You’re really cute.

Charlie: Good. I’m sorry there’s no waves.

Cindy: Yea, I don’t know how I’m gonna get my exercise today.

Charlie: [grins] It’s a puzzler.

[The doorbell rings. Charlie gets up to answer it.]

Charlie: [to Cindy] Why don’t you open up another bottle of wine and we’ll figure something out?

Cindy: Okay.

[Charlie opens the door to Judith. She steps inside very quickly.]

Judith: I’m sorry to just drop by but I had to talk to somebody. I just left Jake with my parents so they could take him to San Diego and I got in this terrible argument with my father. He thinks it’s my fault that Alan and I are breaking up and he knows exactly how to push my buttons. The question is, why do I need his approval? Why do I need approval from any man?

[Charlie is stumped. Judith looks at him for an answer. Cindy hovers by the archway to the kitchen with the new bottle of wine.]

Charlie: I understand.

Cindy: Charlie, how could you possibly understand?

Judith: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you had company.

Cindy: No, we were just hanging out. I’m Cindy.

Judith: Oh, hi, Judith. [They shake hands.]

Cindy: Hi. You know, I’ve spent the better part of my life trying to win my father’s approval.

Judith: Oh, you too, huh?

Cindy: Yea, I almost married a guy just cause my father liked him.

Judith: I married a guy just like my father.

Cindy: Oh, disaster, right?

Judith: Mmm. It’s his brother.

Cindy: Oh, I met him. He’s pretty tightly wound.

[Charlie pulls a face.]

Judith: He is.

Cindy: Do you want some wine?

Judith: I want a lot of wine.

Cindy: Yea.

[She turns and takes Charlie’s glass from him. The two girls head out onto the deck.]

Cindy: You know it’s so funny about relationships and men. You just wonder all the time…

Judith: Always.

[They shut the door behind them.]

Charlie: I do not understand.


[Alan opens the door and steps out onto the deck. He is in his robe, carrying the paper in one hand and a glass in the other. He’s just about to take a sip of his drink when a hand appears on the balcony and Rose climbs up. She is holding a Frisbee.]

Rose: [casually] Morning, neighbour.

Alan: Charlie’s not up yet, Rose.

Rose: [laughs] Oh, Alan, don’t you think I know that? I brought a Frisbee for your son. It’s a Glow-In-The-Dark pro model.

Alan: There are teeth marks in it.

Rose: They’re not mine.

Alan: Um, actually, Jake’s in San Diego with his mom’s parents.

Rose: Boy, that hardly seems fair. Evelyn never gets any quality time with him.

Alan: Evelyn?
Rose: Your mom.

Alan: I know her name.

Rose: But do you know how much she loves you and would appreciate a call once in a while?

[Cindy enters from the beach, carrying her surfboard.]

Cindy: Hi Alan, shower open?

Alan: Uh, yea, help yourself.

[Judith arrives on the deck, also carrying a surfboard.]

Judith: Hi Alan.

Alan: [stunned] Judith. What are you doing here?

Judith: Cindy’s teaching me to surf. She says I’m a natural.

Cindy: [rubs her hands up and down Judith’s arms] Cause she’s got the upper body strength for it.

Judith: Nothing like yours.

Cindy: Oh, you will, you just gotta build up your lats. [She holds up her arms and Judith feels Cindy’s muscles.]

Judith: Oh wow, they’re so firm.

Cindy: Come on, [takes Judith’s hand] I’ll show you some exercises before we hit the shower.

[Judith giggles and they go inside.]

Rose: So, when’s Charlie getting up?

Alan: In about nine seconds.

[Cut to Charlie’s bedroom. Alan is shaking Charlie violently to wake him up.]

Alan: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Charlie: [groggy] What? I was having a great dream.

Alan: Your girlfriend and my wife. Surfing. Showering. Rubber suits.

Charlie: Okay, this might be better. [sits up]

Alan: Charlie, Charlie, you’ve got to do something.

Charlie: You’re right.

Alan: Yea.

[Charlie goes into the bathroom.]

Alan: Charlie? What are you gonna do?

Charlie: [through the door] What do you think? I just woke up.

Alan: Come on, come on! They could be lathering each other up right now.

Charlie: [through the door] Alan, you’re not helping this go any faster.

Alan: I can’t believe this is going on under my own roof. Well, under your roof. God knows what’s going on under my roof.

[The toilet flushes]

Charlie: [through the door] You know, there is good news here.

Alan: Oh really? What’s that?

Charlie: [exits the bathroom] Now we know why I never got anywhere with Cindy.

Alan: Hello? Me?

Charlie: Okay, listen. What do we really know here? Your wife has taken up surfing. We’re good so far, right?

Alan: Uh-huh.

Charlie: She made a new friend. Still good?

Alan: Yea, I guess.

Charlie: Do we know for a fact that they’re showering together?

Alan: No.

Charlie: Okay. So what do we know for sure about Cindy and Judith?

Alan: Cindy’s not interested in you, and Judith thinks she’s gay.

Charlie: Huh. Well, there you go.


[Charlie, Alan and Jake are sitting at the kitchen table eating takeaway pizza.]

Jake: And I got to see penguins, and a manta ray. And I got to pet a shark. And the coolest thing was the whales. They splashed everybody. You could see right through this one lady’s shirt. [Alan looks at Jake] And I think maybe she had plants.

Charlie: [smirks] Implants.

Jake: Yea, implants. I asked Grandma if she had them and Grandpa said “I wish”. And then she got mad at him, and then they bought me an ice cream.

Alan: So, you, er, you had a good trip? [gets up and goes to the fridge.]

Jake: Yea. When I got home, I went to the movies with Mom and Cindy.

[Alan, who had been leaning into the fridge for something, jumps and bangs his head on the top of the fridge. He stumbles out.]

Alan: Ow. Wait, wait, er, you, Mom and Cindy?

Charlie: There you go.

Jake: She’s gonna teach me to surf.

Alan: Of course she is. [slams the fridge door] She’s not gonna be happy until the whole damn family surfs. Why don’t we give her Aunt Betty’s number? Squeeze that fat ass into a wetsuit.

[Charlie gets up and gives Jake a pizza box.]

Charlie: Uh, here, Jake, take your pizza and go watch TV in your room.

Jake: [takes the box] Dad said “fat ass”.

Charlie: You’ve seen Aunt Betty. It’s not swearing if it’s true. Now go.

[Jake exits.]

Alan: She gets all bent out of shape when Cindy is prancing round here with her butterfly butt sticking out. But all of a sudden it’s okay, because the butt is on the other foot.

Charlie: Alan, Alan, chill out, buddy.

Alan: No, no. This is the worst kind of hypocrisy and it will not stand.

Charlie: Forgive me, Alan, but that self-righteous attitude is a big part of what drove Judith away in the first place.

Alan: What? What? Where did you get…? Where? Did she tell you that?

Charlie: Hey, girlfriends tell each other everything. [Alan stares] Don’t look at me like that. Listen, if she really is gay, then there’s nothing you can do about it. Except maybe try and figure out why a lesbian married you in the first place. But if she’s just experimenting and you act all loving and supportive then maybe, maybe she comes back to the home team.

Alan: Huh. Or maybe I could find it in my heart to actually be loving and supportive.

Charlie: Well, sure, if you want to reinvent the wheel.


[Alan opens the front door to Judith.]

Alan: Hey, you know, I would have been more than happy to drop Jake to your house.

Judith: Oh, no problem, this worked out great. I’ve been surfing all day with Cindy and we just had a bite to eat.

Alan: Isn’t that nice. Listen, are you in a hurry? Because there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.

Judith: No, I guess not. What’s up?

[Alan shows her in, and she sits on the sofa, while he stands.]

Alan: Um, I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay with this. More than okay. [Judith grins] I understand, love and respect you for your courage to explore things.

Judith: Thank you. I’m really starting to enjoy it.

Alan: And I support that.

Judith: Yea, I’ve only done it on my knees so far but Cindy says I’m almost ready to try it standing up.

Alan: You know what? I don’t need to hear the details. The more important thing is that I accept you and Cindy as lovers. [Judith realises.] And more power to you, sister.

Judith: You pompous, assuming bastard.

Alan: Uh oh.

Judith: [stands up] You think I’m sleeping with her?

Alan: No. No.

Judith: I just got out of a 12 year marriage and you think I would jump into bed with someone I just met? Man or woman?

Alan: No. No.

Judith: You should be ashamed of yourself.

Alan: I am. I am.

Judith: Two women become friends and you jump to the conclusion they’re having sex. Where do you get that kind of sleazy thinking?

[Alan points to the deck, where Charlie and Jake are stood, talking. Cut to them outside.]

Charlie: [points to the beach] The jogger. The one on the left.

Jake: Real?

Charlie: Good eye. With the sports bra that could have gone either way. Of course, if they do go either way, they’re usually fake.

[Judith opens the door and comes outside.]

Judith: Jake, honey, get your stuff, we’re going home.

Jake: Okay, see you Uncle Charlie.

Charlie: See you, buddy. [Jake exits. To Judith] Hey girlfriend.

Judith: Don’t “girlfriend” me, you shallow piece of crap.

Charlie: Uh oh.


[The cinema. Jake is sat between Cindy and Judith, munching on some popcorn. The women are both crying. Jake looks bored.]

Jake: [sighs] Fake. [Judith looks at him, then back at the screen.] Real.

Judith: [stares at him] Jake.

Jake: Who does she think she’s kidding with those things?

Judith: Jake, I swear, if you don’t stop it, I’m taking you home.

Jake: I understand.

[Judith looks away and smiles. Jake grins – he got away with it!]



Source : https://www.twiztv.com

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